管理和委任类型题(Management and Delegation):NCLEX®系列考试中有很多管理和委任类的题目,让新手护士或护校生非常为难,我们都是菜鸟怎么懂得如何管理和委派别人工作呢?有一点必须记住,护士不是孤胆英雄,护理工作也不能像好莱坞的电影宣传个人英雄主义,我们需要庞大的团队协作才能维护患者的健康和生命。作为团队中的一份子,必须要了解管理、委派、监督和优先行动的基本的原则,否则会影响病人的安全。






For RNs only:

Performing head-to-toe assessment including complex and/or routine vital signs.

Administering basic and advanced life support.

Assessing--data collection and analysis.

Diagnosing--identifying and prioritizing client problems.

Planning--stating expected outcomes and methods for achievement.

Implementing--interventions to achieve expected outcomes.

Evaluating--analysis of plan of care and client outcomes.

Caring for invasive lines (examples: PICC)

Feeding clients with oral or swallowing problems.

Administering blood and blood product transfusions.

Titrating medications based on specific client needs and physician orders.

Performing extensive or complex dressing changes or wound care.

Teaching of clients and families.


The licensed practical/vocational nurse

Taking routine vital signs.

Providing basic life support.

Bathing, giving oral hygiene, and changing bed linens.

Turning and positioning.

Administering enemas, digital fecal removal.

Administering medications via PO, NG, PEG, IM, Z-track, intradermal, SQ, suppository, topical, and sublingual routes.

Administering instillations in the eyes, ears, nose, buccal muscosa, and rectum.

Administering enteral or tube feedings.

Monitoring blood glucose.

Oral suctioning.

Feeding clients without any oral or swallowing problems.

Performing simple dressing changes.

Inserting and removing Foley catheters.

Caring for ostomies.

Administering respiratory treatments.

Providing postmortem care.

Inserting rectal tubes.

Removing sutures and staples.

Caring for newborns including cord care, vital signs, and feeding.

Performing noncomplex procedures requiring sterile technique.

Documenting the care given to the client and the client’s response to that care.

Updating an initial assessment; the data that is collected by the LVN must be validated by the RN.

Reinforcing the teaching performed by the RN.

Teaching from a standard care plan, noncomplex teaching.


The unlicensed assistive person (UAP)

Obtaining routine vital signs.

Bathing, providing oral hygiene, changing bed linens.

Turning and positioning.

Feeding clients without any oral or swallowing problems.

Providing basic life support.

Providing postmortem care.

Ambulating. (Stable/noncomplex clients only)

Obtaining height and weight measurements.

Assisting with elimination.

Monitoring input and output (I & O).

Administering soapsuds enemas.

Assisting with general activities of daily living (ADLs).

Obtaining specimens.

Transferring clients with the use of proper body mechanics.

Documenting and reporting information related to client care to the RN.

Reporting unusual observations and symptoms reported by the client or observed to the RN.

Administering gastrostomy feedings (NO NG TUBE FEEDINGS)

Utilizing proper communication techniques.

Prioritizing tasks (per the direction of the RN or LPN/LVN).

Handling complaints.




记住一定要分清轻重缓急,第一时间看那些more acute, unstable的患者,特别留意有生命危险的征兆和并发症。
